Dressler Detours Terms of Service

Terms of service

Included in Each Detour

Each detour includes the price of all sightseeing tours by local guides, admissions to sights seen as a group; meals as listed in detour itinerary; accommodations each night of the detour including breakfasts; all transportation required for group activities from the first hotel to the last hotel of the detour (transportation for optional group activities and independent travel during the detour is not included), guides, and vendors including suggestions, tips, and directions, and all guide, local guide, driver, and hotel tips. Prices do not include airfare to and from the detour, nor ground transportation to/from airports.

Detour Payments & Cancellation Policy

To reserve a seat on a Dressler Detour, you must provide a deposit of $500 per person, thereby agreeing to Dressler Detours’ Terms of Service. Deposits are 100% refundable for 30 days upon receipt, after which time they are not refundable for any reason and will be forfeited if you cancel your detour reservation. Final detour payment is due 90 days before departure. Detour payments are non-refundable within 90 days of departure. Travelers missing the final payment deadline will result in removal from the detour and forfeiture of the deposit. If you sign up for a detour within 90 days of the detour, the non-refundable, full payment will be required within 3 days to confirm you on the trip.

Cancellations and Deposit Refunds

Deposits for all detours are 100% refundable for 30 days upon receipt, after which time they are not refundable and will be forfeited if you cancel your reservation. All cancellations must be sent to Dressler Detours in writing via e-mail to info@dresslerdetours.com and will be effective on the date received.

Detour Payments

All payments must be made through our website via credit or debit card, or ACH transfer. Mailed checks are not accepted.

Solo Travelers and Single Accommodations

Single accommodations can be requested by paying a single supplement fee, where available, as listed upon registraion.

Travel Insurance

Dressler Detours encourages all travelers to purchase separate travel insurance to cover possible additional costs (airline tickets, loss of luggage, trip delay, medical evacuation, etc.) and/or trip cancellations.

Pack Light

Each traveler is encouraged to bring just one airline-carry-on-size bag of approximately 22"x14"x 9", and a small day bag. Please note you will need to carry your own bags, which may include carrying up stairs, walking up to 10 minutes to the hotel, and loading/unloading from many types of transportation. Dressler Detours are physically demanding. To enjoy the experience, you must be in good walking shape. The most active days may average 5-6 miles of walking (often over uneven surfaces and including lots of climbing/steps), lots of standing while listening to your guide during group sightseeing, and possibly stair-climbing while carrying your own bag up to your hotel room. 

Non-Smoking Detour

Smokers may smoke only outdoors and downwind from the group — never in hotel rooms or during group activities or meals. 

Children on Detour

Children under age 18 must room with and be accompanied on the tour by a parent or guardian. A Child Transport waiver must be signed by parent or guardian.

Detour Itineraries Are Subject to Change

Travel is full of surprises, and we need to be flexible enough to take advantage of whatever comes along so that we may provide you with the best possible experience. Uncompleted portions of the detour itinerary are not cause for refund.


Dressler Detours reserves the right to use photos taken of any tour member while on a detour for future marketing. If you wish to opt out, we require your written request prior to the commencement of the detour. Dressler Detours further reserves the right to use any images shared with us on social media or directly.

Written Comments

Dressler Detours requests optional feedback after every detour. We reserve the right to use any written comments made in response for future marketing.

Limits of Liability

Accidents can happen anywhere. However, traveling away from home can involve risks and hazards that are greater than usual. Although Dressler Detours can use its experience and knowledge to help make your detour fun and safe, things can go wrong. You agree to assume all risks of traveling abroad, including travel on Dressler Detours, however great or slight they may be. You understand that accidents, illness, or other unforeseen mishaps can occur. You understand that sometimes accident or illness or inconveniences can occur in remote places where there is no ready assistance or medical care. You also understand and agree that although Dressler Detours and all of its employees, contractors, vendors, agents, officers, and representatives (hereafter referred to as “us” and “we”) carry general liability insurance, you are not insured under our insurance if someone has a claim against you; nor do we carry liability insurance that pertains to accidents, injuries or events caused by other people. You also understand that we do not provide any medical, health or related services on our detours. You are solely responsible for your own health needs, and the needs of your spouse and family.

Excepting gross negligence, fraud, or intentional misconduct by Dressler Detours, in return for the consideration of participating in a detour with Dressler Detours, and in consideration of the money you have paid, and our agreements with you, you also agree to waive and release any claim you, your family members or spouse assert against us. To the fullest extent of the law, in no way will Dressler Detours be held liable to you for claims and damages arising from the services in this agreement. We will do our best to make your travel safe, pleasurable and fun. Nevertheless, you agree that if something goes wrong, or if you have any disputes with us, currently or in the future, you waive the right to issue claims against us. As you know, part of the fun, and part of the risk, of traveling in foreign countries is that food, water, lodging, and local customs can be very different from that which you are used to. Thus, your waiver of claims against us includes any disputes you may have about detour accommodation, food service or quality, transportation, sightseeing, your itinerary, or any direct or indirect service associated with Dressler Detours.

You also agree that among the events we want to avoid, but that you could encounter, are strikes, theft, political instability, poor roads or public services or transportation, actions by police, customs, or local law officials, inclement weather, civil unrest, global pandemics, regional epidemics and diseases, animal aggression, even incidents of war, sabotage or terrorism; and you also specifically agree that you have waived, and cannot ever bring claims against us for anything or any kind of property or personal damages or injuries or even death based on or arising out of those events or situations. Because it is impossible to foresee everything that can possibly go wrong, even that which is currently unknowable, unanticipated, or unforeseeable, we ask, and you agree that, as to us, you have released and waived even claims based on or arising out of that which is unknown, unanticipated, or unforeseeable.

You also understand and agree that if someone should assert a claim or demand or cause of action against you for something that arises out of or relates to this Detour, you have agreed that you cannot, in turn, seek any contribution or indemnity or defense from us for such third party claims, unless the third party cause of action is directly due to Dressler Detours gross negligence, fraud, or intentional misconduct.

Group Size

Our standard group size is limited to 20 travelers. However, to ensure the departure of detours at the lowest price, Dressler Detours has at times found it necessary to overbook a trip in order to anticipate the possibility of last-minute cancellations, currency fluctuations, or fuel or tax surcharges. This flexibility allows us to avoid most surcharges.

Transportation Liability

Dressler Detours acts only as an agent for the transportation vendor with respect to transportation. Although we exercise every care possible, we can assume no liability for injury, damage, delay, loss, accident or irregularity in connection with the services of any airplane, boat, motorcoach, minibus, train, or other conveyance, public or private, used in carrying out the arrangements of the detour. We cannot accept responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in transportation services due to sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, acts of God or other causes beyond our control. All such losses and expenses will have to be borne by the passenger, as detour rates provide for arrangements only for the time stated.

Additionally, Dressler Detours does not accept liability for any airline carrier’s cancellation penalty or change fee incurred by the purchase of non-refundable tickets to or from the detour.

Accommodation Liability

Dressler Detours acts only as an agent for hotels with respect to accommodations. Although we exercise every care possible, we can assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, or irregularity in connection with the services of any detour hotel.

Vendor Liability

Dressler Detours acts only as an agent for vendors with respect to operating our detours. Although we exercise every care possible, we can assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, or irregularity in connection with the services of any of our vendors, including sights, restaurants, local guides, luggage porters, or any other person or company providing a services for our detours.


Unless the cause of action is directly due to Dressler Detours gross negligence, fraud, or intentional misconduct, travelers agree to defend and hold Dressler Detours harmless against any implied, threatened, or actual legal action, lawsuits, damages, fines, and/or settlements related to Dressler Detours or travel services.


Dressler Detours reserves the right to amend typos and misprints in pricing and other trip information.

Detour Participation

Although we want everyone to have a good time, it sometimes happens that someone participating in a detour can misbehave or do things that are incompatible with the safety, comfort, or convenience of other travelers on the detour. You agree that in those circumstances we have the exclusive right and discretion to expel someone, or even you, from a detour at any time, without any claims or complaints by you against us. Moreover, we reserve the right to decline to accept any person as a detour traveler participating in our detours.

Personal Information

Dressler Detours collects personal information about Travelers and their travel companions in order to smoothly and safely operate our detour. This includes, contact information, as well as credit card and payment information, passport data, health, dietary, and emergency contact information. We use third-party services for website, forms, and data management to request, collect and store personal information. Dressler Detours is not responsible for the safety and security of such third-party services. In order to carry out our work on your behalf, we share some of this information with vendors on our detours as needed and at our discretion, and where required by law (for example, with hotels at check-in). We may communicate limited information (your name, city, or state) about you to other members of the detour group (excluding full address and medical information). You understand that Dressler Detours may share your personal information with medical professionals, first responders, government authorities, and others we consider helpful in the event we deem to be an emergency or situation where safety is at risk. Dressler Detours necessarily transports Traveler’s personal information to foreign countries where privacy laws may differ, and where the terms of this agreement remain. Travelers understand and agree that providing Dressler Detours with personal information is voluntary, and that Dressler Detours transports such information to foreign countries where privacy laws may differ, but where the terms of this agreement remain. Dressler Detours does not share personal information with anyone not associated with the operations of its detours and travel related business.

Health & Safety

Dressler Detours takes seriously the health and safety of our travelers, guides, and vendors by establishing measures, rules and restrictions in order to minimize the inherent health risks associated with travel. We reserve the right to update our Health & Safety policies to reasonably respond to changing public health and safety conditions. Travelers agree to abide by all terms set herein with the understanding that failure to comply is grounds for removal from a detour.

Dressler Detours assumes no liability for travelers who contract any other illness while participating on our detours. Travelers are fully responsible for their own medical care while traveling to, from, and during, our detours, as well as any associated medical costs, including but not limited to accommodations, transportation, and meals. Travelers agree to follow all local public health regulations in the countries we travel during the detour.

Refunds will not be given to travelers for time missed on our detours due to Covid-19 isolation or other health related issues. We advise Travelers to secure travel insurance to protect against such losses.


Trips outside the U.S. require a valid U.S. passport. Many countries require a visa before entering. Some countries require proof of certain vaccinations to enter their borders. All said documentation is the sole responsibility of you the traveler.

Detours Cancelled by Dressler Detours

Although unlikely, your detour may be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or lack of participation. If we cancel a detour you have reserved, the entire amount you have paid for the applicable detour will be refunded to you within fourteen days after the detour cancellation, as required by law. Once this occurs, Dressler Detours has no other obligations to detour travelers on cancelled trips including any additional costs or fees related to the issuance and/or cancellation of airline tickets or other travel reservations not made by Dressler Detours. 

Force Majeure

Neither Party shall be liable for failure of or delay in performing obligations set forth in this Agreement, and neither shall be deemed in breach of its obligations, if such failure or delay is due to natural disasters or any causes beyond the reasonable control of either Party.

Dispute Resolution

Dressler Detours, LLC is registered with the State of Utah. This agreement is subject to and enforced by the laws of Utah State. Travelers agree to file any legal disputes with Dressler Detours, LLC only through federal and state courts of law located in Salt Lake County, Utah State.

Changes to Services

Dressler Detours reserves the right to update, change, edit, adjust, improve, or cancel services with our without notifying you. Dressler Detours will not be held liable for changes to our services caused by third parties.