aeolian islands in myth


bad winds & floating islands

“Then to the Aeolian isle we came, where dwelt Aeolus, son of Hippotas, dear to the immortal gods, in a floating island, and all around it is a wall of unbreakable bronze, and the cliff runs up sheer.” —Homer, The Odyssey

Since childhood I’ve loved mythology. My brothers and I would watch that wonderfully awful 80’s version of Clash of the Titans repeatedly every weekend. Years later in high school I read the Odyssey and fell in love with the epic tale of home coming.

In the Odyssey, Aeolus was the god and keeper of the winds who resided on the floating island of Aeolia. He helped Odysseus on his journey home from the Trojan War, warmly welcoming him and his crew and offering them hospitality for a month.

As a parting gift, Aeolus presented Odysseus with a bag containing all the stormy winds, except the gentle west wind. He tied the bag tightly, ensuring that no wind could escape and hinder their journey.

With favorable winds guiding them, Odysseus and his crew sailed smoothly for several days, with his homeland Ithaca in sight. However, as they grew within view of Ithaca, Odysseus fell asleep, and the curious crew, suspecting that Aeolus had gifted Odysseus with treasures, opened the bag, thinking it held gold and silver. Instead, the irrepressible winds burst out, creating a fierce storm that drove the ship back to Aeolia.

To find out what happens next, you could either read the Odyssey, or better yet…join us in the Aeolian Islands at our Mythological Happy Hours on our Aeolian Odyssey detour! Unpack for a week on the enchanting island of Salina and explore the magic of these mythical islands with Taunya & Randy!


sicily’s aeolian islands


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